Hunter’s House / Medžiotojų namas
The building was constructed at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as a hunting house for baron Ungem von Sternberg. The building belonged to the family of the baron till 1938. Later, G. purchased the plot together with a portion of the plot. The new owner reconstructed the building; up to then, the house did not have verandas and was with a red-tile roof. In 1939, the owner of the building installed verandas on three sides and decorated them with wood carvings. The building was designed by the first Palanga city architect —V. Lvovas.
After World War Il, garrison officers occupied the building. In 1957-1970, the house was used by the poet Antanas Venclova. Following the Restoration of Independence, the house was returned to the descendants of G. In 2004, the building was granted the status of Immovable Cultural Heritage Property of Regional Importance.