Nemirsheta Ship Rescue Station
Between 1870 and 1890 the German salvage company built salvage stations at Nida, Juodkrante, Kopgali, Bomel Vite (now part of Klaipėda), Melnrage, Karkelbeck (now Karkle) and Nemirseta. Currently only Nemirseta remains. Their purpose was to rescue the crews of stranded ships. The stations were manned by 2 men and about 20 local fishermen. They were all volunteers who worked without pay and only received bonuses in exceptional cases. There were rescue wagons with special boats attached. The car was pushed into the sea, where special structures were used to lower the boat into the water and float it out to the ships in distress.
Klaipėdos pl. 37A, Palanga, Palanga Municipality.